<<<a href="information">>>

     If this is your first time visiting the broken machine, I welcome you. This website serves as an archive of the q1 and q2 mapping projects that I have completed between September 1997 and January 2002. This is the fourth incarnation of the site and the first that has been hosted by www.fov120.com. The previous three have been hosted by www.terrafusion.com, before it went belly up in early 2002.

<<<a href="credits">>>

     I would like to thank Carlos Huezo for the website design, graphics and flash content you are viewing at this moment. If you like what you see, visit his site to see more of his work. I would also like to thank SleepwalkR for generously hosting the site on www.fov120.com.

<<<a href="contact">>>

     If you have any comments or questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me at retinal@fov120.com.



Graphics and design are property of Carlos Huezo.
Content is property of Phil Chopp. Copyright © 2002.